Reza Aalizadeh ~ Post Doctoral Researcher

Aalizadeh Reza
Post-Doctoral Researcher at NKUA
Phone: +30 210 7274576

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Research Interests

General research interests:

  • Metabolomics
  • High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (HRMS)
  • Chemometrics
  • Non-target Screening
  • Development of LC-MS/MS methods
  • Retention Time mechanism in RPLC & HILIC


  • 2018–2021: Foodomics-GR – Molecular Characterization of Food (funding: EPANEK-NSFR)
  • 2018–2021: pHION: Environmental Protection Agency of Germany (UBA): pH effects on toxicity and bioaccumulation of ionic substances. UBA GZ 97 406/0536
  • 2016-2019: NORMAN Suspect list exchange (NORMAN Network association)
  • 2016-2018: EMBLAS II: United Nations Development Programme: Analysis of water framework priority substances and screening of black sea specific pollutants in water biota and sediment samples obtained during the National Pilot Monitoring Studies and Joint Open Sea Surveys and risk assessment of identified pollutants-EU/UNDP Project: Improving environmental monitoring in the Black Sea.
  • 2016-2017: Analysis of WFD and screening of Black Sea Specific Pollutants (UNDP, 2016-12-ITB, 2016)
  • 2007–2016: (“KALLIMANIS”): Frozen and processed foodstuff with advanced chemometric tools and LC-HRMS data treatment procedures.
  • 2012-2015: “EXCELLENCE”: Transformation products of emerging pollutants in the aquatic environment-TREMEPOL