“Specialized Research for Promotion of Olive Oil and Olive Products of the North Aegean Through the Promotion of Bioactive Content and Particular Quality Characteristics”
The aim of the project is to highlight the nutritional value and uniqueness of the edible olive and olive paste of Lesvos, based on their bioactive content and their high quality characteristics, through a systematic and multi-month specialized research. The analysis of a large and representative number of samples from the islands of the North Aegean (mainly from Lesvos and Samos), which is carried out with innovative and pioneering methodology, aims to show the biological value and authenticity of the olive grove of the North Aegean Region.
This effort will reinforce the limited international recognition of the North Aegean olive oils and will provide the necessary documentation to demonstrate their uniqueness and authenticity. This research documentation will form the basis for the development of new products with the ultimate aim of strengthening the Agri-Food Sector of the North Aegean Region.
«Emblematic action “Routes of olive tree”»
The Emblematic Action entitled “Routes of olive tree” is a pioneering action for Greece concerning the development and optimization of olive and olive oil products and their methods of production. The aim of the project is to highlight the unique and high quality characteristics of Greek varieties and olive oil, thus creating a strategic competitive advantage for creating added value and enhancing their extroversion as “national products”.
The project consists of 3 subprojects that includes
1)the genetic characterization of the various Greek olive varieties,
2)the enhancement of the efficiency and viability of olive plant protection, using modern technologies of olive oil samples
3)the mapping of the ecosystem of table olive varieties from different geographical origins.
Research Institutions from all over Greece participate in this project, such as the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the Agricultural University of Athens, the Universities of Patras and Thessaly, the Agronomic Institute of Chania, the Institute of Technology and Research, TEI of Crete and ELGO Dimitra.
“Foodomics-GR- Molecular Characterization of Food”
Greece presents unique biodiversity and produces unique agri-food/fishery products. Their characterization as high value products, through the application of advanced technology, aims at increasing their demand and market recognition. Also this characterization has an effect in both product protection and in consumer protection through authenticity verification and geographical origin, while reinforcing the security control mechanism of food. The FoodOmicsGR research project aims to bring together actions and consolidate research teams from nine Greek Universities-Research Centers in a National Infrastructure and to leas to the developments of methods for molecular characterization of food and to the realization of advanced nutrition studies.
RI-Food Aegean
“Research Infrastructure for the development of innovative olive and grape products in North Aegean Region”
This Research Infrastructure will be developed through 4 WPs aimed at
- Procurement of instrumentation for the molecular (genetic) and chemical characterization of olive and grape products
- Development of methods for the molecular(genetic) and chemical characterization of olive and grape products
- Procurement of infrastructure for the capitalization of grape and olive by-products
- Development of methods for the capitalization of grape and olive by-products
Determination of coccidiostats in food matrices using HILIC-MS/MS
The Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry (L.A.C) has developed a comprehensive and sensitive HILIC–MS/MS methodology for the quantitative confirmatory analysis of coccidiostat residues in animal tissues and eggs. The method allows the determination of both polyether ionophores and synthetic coccidiostats (non-polyether ionophores).
L.A.C. is an accredited laboratory by E.S.Y.D according to ISO 17025 for the determination of coccidiostats among other methods for the determination of veterinary drugs in food matrices (certification number 636). Since 2016, L.A.C. has been assigned as the National Reference Laboratory (NRL) for the determination of coccidiostats in animal tissue and egg samples.
The developed methodology was used for the analysis of samples within the Greek National Residue Control Plan (NRCP) for coccidiostats in meat and eggs and was proven extremely useful for high-throughput routine analysis. The results obtained from this study were the first data obtained in Greece regarding the occurrence of coccidiostat residues in food of animal origin.
The successful participation of LAC in several proficiency test schemes for the determination of coccidiostats in foodstuffs, ensures the Laboratory’s reliability.
“Development of method for detecting ALlergens of Greek TRAditional Foods”
The increasing of allergic reactions in part of the population often causes unpleasant clinical symptoms to sufferers, reaching even death. The fact that there is currently no cure against food allergies but only the non-consumption of food allergy by allergic people necessitates analytical techniques with high analytical Characteristics. Considering that even infinitesimal amounts of these allergens (ppm, parts per million) can cause anaphylactic shock, recalls through the European Union RASFF system are frequent for foods that contain not labelled allergens because of cross-contamination.
The aim of the project is to detect Food Allergens Laboratory started its activity in 2005 with the primary purpose of meeting the needs of all those involved in the production and distribution of packed foods in Greece for laboratory allergen tests and equipped with the necessary equipment to determine the allergens by immunochemical and molecular techniques. These techniques can detect or identify one allergen at a time in order to detect more allergens more tests are needed. In addition, immunochemical techniques cannot detect denatured allergenic proteins that can also cause allergic episodes, and molecular techniques cannot detect allergens of animal origin, since DNA detection cannot differentiate meat from egg or milk. Considering the above and emphasizing the protection of Greek traditional products, the existence of many allergens (olives and olive paste, delights, rizogalo, other sweets, dakos, pastries, dairy products), the development, application and validation of methods detecting multiple allergens with the LC-MS / MS technique is a necessity.