Poster presentation
- Movalli, R. Dekker, P. van der Mije, G. Gkotsis, N. Alygizakis, M.C Nika, N.S. Thomaidis “Wide scope screening of emerging contaminants in peregrine falcon Falco peregrinus in the Netherlands”, 30th Annual meeting SETAC Europe 03-07/05/2020, Dublin, Ireland. (poster presentation accepted)
Oral Presentation
- Cincinelli, N. Alygizakis, R. Dekker, G. Duke, G. Gkotsis, N. Glowacka, B. Knopf, Koschorreck J., Martellini T., Carretti E., Randazzo D., Santini S., Movalli P., Nika M.-C., Nikolopoulou V., Oswaldova M., Rüdel H., Santini S., Shore R., Thomaidis N., Treu G., Slobodnik J., “Investigation of legacy and emerging organic contaminants in top predators and their prey to support chemicals management.”, American Chemical Society meeting 2020, 22–26/03/2020, Philadelphia, USA (oral presentation accepted).
- Rüdel, B. Knopf, N. Alygizakis, N. Glowacka, J. Slobodnik, G. Gkotsis, M.C. Nika, N.S. Thomaidis, A. Cincinelli, T. Martellini, G. Duke, R. Shore, A. Badry, W. Drost, J. Koschorreck, P. Movalli, R. Dekker “Derivation of indicators for assessing the quality of biota samples and their suitability for environmental monitoring studies”, 30th Annual meeting SETAC Europe 03-07/05/2020, Dublin, Ireland. (oral presentation)
Poster presentation
- Sofia K. Drakopoulou, Dimitrios E. Damalas, Carsten Baessmann, Nikolaos S. Thomaidis “Potential of Ion Mobility combined with LC-HRMS in Food Authenticity Studies: Identification and Characterization of Secoiridoids Isomers found in Greek Extra Virgin Olive Oil”, 9th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis, RAFA, November 5-8, 2019, Prague, Czech Republic (poster presentation, awarded).
- Anastasia S. Kritikou, Dimitrios E. Damalas, Ioanna V. Barla, Reza Aalizadeh, Volker Sauerland, Carsten Baessmann, Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, “Novel MALDI-TOF-MS-based Methodology for Rapid Detection Of PDO Feta Cheese Adulteration” 11th International Conference on Instrumental Methods of Analysis, IMA 2019, Ioannina, Greece, 22-25 Sept 2019. (poster presentation)
- Athanasia K. Christopoulou, Anastasia S. Kritikou, Marilena E. Dasenaki, Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, “Development of a Multi-Residue Methodology for the Determination of Veterinary Drugs in Animal Feed By RP-HPLC-MS/MS, 11th International Conference on Instrumental Methods of Analysis”, IMA 2019, Ioannina, Greece, 22-25 Sept 2019. (poster presentation)
- Movalli, G. Duke, G. Ramello, J. Sbokos, R. Dekker, A. Vrezec, R. Shore, A. García-Fernández, C. Wernham, O.Krone, N. Alygizakis, A. Badry, F. Barbagli, K. Biesmeijer, G. Boano, A.L. Bond, Y. Choresh, J. Bolding Christensen, A.Cincinelli, S. Danielsson, A. Dias, R. Dietz, M. Eens, S. Espín, I. Eulaers, S. Frahnert, T. Fuiz, G. Gkotsis, N. Glowacka, P. Gómez-Ramírez, M. Grotti, M. Guiraud, P. Hosner, U.Johansson, V. L.B. Jaspers, P. Kamminga, J. Koschorreck, B. Knopf, E.Kubin, S. LoBrutto, R. Lourenco, T. Martellini, E. Martínez-López, R.Mateo, M.C. Nika, V. Nikolopoulou, D. Osborn, O. Pauwels, M. Pavia, M. Glória Pereira, H. Rüdel, P. Sánchez-Virosta, J. Slobodnik, C. Sonne, N.Thomaidis, T. Töpfer, G. Treu, R. Väinölä, J.Valkama, S. Van der Mije, D. Vangeluwe, Ben H. Warren and F. Woog “Towards a European raptor specimen bank in support of contaminant research and monitoring for better chemicals management” 11th Biennial European Bird Curator Meeting, 22-26/09/2019, Tel Aviv, Israel. (Poster presentation)
- Α. Androulakakis, N. Alygizakis, G. Gkotsis, V. Nikolopoulou, M.C. Nika, A. Cincinelli, R. Dekker, G. Duke, N. Glowacka, B. Knopf, J. Koschorreck, T. Martellini, P. Movalli, H. Ruedel, R. Shore, G. Treu, Jaroslav Slobodnik and N.S. Thomaidis “In-depth investigation of the occurrence of per- and polyfluorinated substances in top predators and their prey employing high-resolution mass spectrometry” IMA 2019 22-25/09/2019, Ioannina, Greece. (Poster presentation)
- I. Nikolopoulou, M.C. Nika, R. Aalizadeh, F. Miskaki, T. Kalloudis, N. Deytereos, N.S. Thomaidis “Determination of emerging contaminants in surface water resources of EYDAP following wide-scope target and suspect screening” CEST 2019 03-07/09/2019, Rhodes, Greece. (Poster presentation)
- Gkotsis, N. Alygizakis, A. Cincinelli, R. Dekker, G. Duke, N. Glowacka, B. Knopf, J. Koschorreck, T. Martellini, P. Movalli, M.C. Nika, V. Nikolopoulou, H. Ruedel, R. Shore, N.S. Thomaidis, G. Treu, J. Slobodnik “Determination of emerging contaminants in apex predators and their prey from European Specimen Banks and Natural History Museums by High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Techniques“ ICCE 2019, 16-20/06/2019, Thessaloniki, Greece. (Poster presentation)
- I. Panagopoulou, M.C. Nika, G. Koulis, D.E. Damalas, N.S. Thomaidis “Development of a novel methodology for the determination of priority pollutants and emerging contaminants in Asopos river water samples by GC-EI-MS/MS and GC-APCI-QTOFMS”, ICCE 2019 16-20/06/2019, Thessaloniki, Greece. (poster presentation awarded)
- Sofia K. Drakopoulou, Marilena E. Dasenaki, Reza Aalizadeh, Adamantia-Eleni G. Manola, Konstantinos N. Nikolakis, Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, ”Un-Targeted Metabolomics Approach for the Characterization, Classification and Mapping of Bioactive Compounds in Greek Extra Virgin Olive Oil”, 11th International Conference on “Instrumental Methods of Analysis” (IMA-2019), 22-25 September 2019, Ioannina, Greece
- Koschorreck, N. Alygizakis, A. Cincinelli, R. Dekker, G. Duke, N. Glowacka, B. Knopf, T. Martellini, P. Movalli, M.C. Nika, H. Rüdel, R. Shore, N. Thomaidis, G. Treu, J. Slobodnik “LIFE APEX – Systematic use of contaminant data from apex predators and their prey in chemicals management” SETAC Europe 2019, 26-30/05/2019, Helsinki, Finland. (Poster presentation)
- A. Koulis, P.A. Katsianou, E. Panagopoulou, R. Aalizadeh, C. Proestos, N. Thomaidis, ”Metabolomic approach for Greek honey origin discrimination making use of Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled to High Resolution Mass Spectrometry”, 11th International Conference on “Instrumental Methods of Analysis” (IMA-2019), 22-25 September, 2019, Ioannina, Greece (poster presentation).
- Movalli, G. Duke, G. Ramello, J. Sbokos, R. Dekker, A. Vrezec, R. Shore, G. Garcia-Fernandez, C. Wernham, O. Krone, N. Alygizakis, et al. “Towards a European raptor specimen bank in support of contaminant research and monitoring for better chemicals management”, 11th Biennial European Bird Curator Meeting 24-26/09/2019, Tel Aviv, Israel. (poster presentation)
- Galani, N. Alygizakis, V. Borova, N.S. Thomaidis “A nine-year study on the temporal changes of licit and illicit drug use patterns as revealed from the chemical analysis of influent wastewater from the wastewater treatment plant of Athens”, CEST 2019 04-07/09/2019, Rhodes, Greece. (poster presentation)
- Cincinelli, N. Alygizakis, R. Dekker, G. Duke, G. Gkotsis, N. Glowacka, B. Knopf, J. Koschorreck, T. Martellini, P. Movalli, M.C. Christina, V. Nikolopoulou, M. Oswaldova, H. Rüdel, S. Santinini, R. Shore, N.S. Thomaidis, G. True, J. Slobodnik “Determination of legacy and emerging organic contaminants in top predators and their prey to improve chemical management”, Euroanalysis XX Conference 01-05/09/2019, Istanbul, Turkey. (poster presentation)
- Alygizakis, J. Urík, P. Oswald, V. Beretsou, D. Fatta-Kassinos, N.S. Thomaidis, J. Slobodnik, B. Vrana “Application of passive sampling to evaluate the chemical pollution of treated wastewater intended for reuse”, ICCE2019 16-20/06/2019, Thessaloniki, Greece. (poster presentation)
- Gkotsis, N. Alygizakis, A. Cincinelli, R. Dekker, G. Duke, N. Glowacka, B. Knopf, J. Koschorreck, T. Martellini, P. Movalli, M.C. Nika, V. Nikolopoulou, H. Rüdel, R. Shore, N.S. Thomaidis, G. True, J. Slobodnik “Determination of emerging contaminants in apex predators and their prey from European Specimen Banks and Natural History Museums by High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Techniques”, ICCE2019 16-20/06/2019, Thessaloniki, Greece. (poster presentation awarded)
Oral Presentation
- Sofia K. Drakopoulou, Dimitrios E. Damalas, Carsten Baessmann, Nikolaos S. Thomaidis “Unraveling the Mystery of Isomeric Compounds Crucial in Food Authenticity Studies Utilizing Trapped Ion Mobility combined with LC-HRMS – Secoiridoids in Extra Virgin Olive Oil as a Case Study”, 9th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis, RAFA, November 5-8, 2019, Prague, Czech Republic (oral presentation).
- Alygizakis, V. Dulio, J. Hollender, M. Krauss, T. Schulze, E. Schymanski, J. Slobodnik, N.S. Thomaidis “Non-target screening in environmental sciences: Activities of the NORMAN network”, SWEMSA 2019 21-23/10/2019, Erding, Germany. (oral presentation)
- Reza Aalizadeh and Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, “AUTONONTARGET: An r package to perform automatic non-target screening”, 16th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, 4- 7 September 2019, Rhodes, Greece.
- Alygizakis, H. Besselink, G. Paulus, P. Oswald, L. Hornstra, M. Oswaldova, G. Medema, N.S. Thomaidis, P. Behnisch, J. Slobodnik “Characterisation of wastewater effluents in the Danube river basin with targeted and non-target chemical screening techniques, in vitro bioassays and antibiotic resistant genes analysis”, 12th BioDetectors Conference 26-27/09/2019, Vienna, Austria. (oral presentation)
- Alygizakis, V. Dulio, P. von der Ohe, J. Slobodnik, N.S. Thomaidis “NORMAN Non-target screening (NTS) prioritisation scheme for ranking thousands of contaminants of emerging concern in effluent wastewater collected from Europe”, CEST 2019 04-07/09/2019, Rhodes, Greece. (oral presentation)
- Gago-Ferrero, N. Alygizakis, L. Velo-Gala, L. Sbardella, W. Gernjak, M. Petrovic “Evaluation of innovative water treatments at molecular level based on high resolution mass spectrometry and advanced statistical tools”, CEST 2019 04-07/09/2019, Rhodes, Greece. (oral presentation)
- N Alygizakis, A. Cincinelli, R. Dekker, G. Gktosis, G. Duke, N. Glowacka, B. Knopf, J. Koschorreck, T. Marellini, P. Movalli, M.C. Nika, V. Nikolopoulou, H. Rüdel, R. Shore, N.S. Thomaidis, G. True, J. Slobodnik “Determination of emerging substances in top predators and their prey using state-of-the-art chemical monitoring methods”, ESR2019 Conference 03-05/07/2019, Stockholm, Sweden. (oral presentation)
- Cincinelli, N. Alygizakis, R. Dekker, G. Duke, N. Glowacka, B. Knopf, J. Koschorreck, T. Martellini, P. Movalli, M.C. Nika, H. Rüdel, S. Santini, R. Shore, N. Thomaidis, G. Treu, Jaroslav Slobodnik “Determination of legacy and emerging organic contaminants in top predators and their prey to improve chemical management” Euroanalysis XX 2019, 01-05/09/2019, Istanbul, Turkey. (Oral presentation)
- Rodi, M. Kostakis, N. Thomaidis, G. Siragakis “Development And Validation Of Method For Determination Of Food Allergens With LC-MS/MS”, ΙΜΑ 2019 22-25/09/2019, Ioannina, Greece. (oral presentation)
- A. Katsianou, G. A. Koulis., M. Dasenaki, N. Thomaidis, “HRMS Study of Bioactivity Compounds During Edible Olive Processing”, 11th International Conference on“Instrumental Methods of Analysis” (IMA-2019), 22-25 September, 2019, Ioannina, Greece (oral presentation).
- Tzachristas, M.E. Dasenaki, K. Pasvanka, G. A. Koulis, S. Drakopoulou, R. Aalizadeh, N. S. Thomaidis and C. Proestos, “Development of a wine metabolomics approach for the varietal discrimination of selected Greek wines”, 2nd Food Chemistry Conference: Shaping the Future of Food Quality, Safety, Nutrition and Health, 17-19 September, 2019, Seville, Spain (oral presentation).
- C. Nika, K. Ntaiou, K. Elytis, A.S. Stasinakis V.S. Thomaidi, G. Gatidou, N.S. Thomaidis “Wide-scope target analysis of >2.100 emerging contaminants in landfill leachates by LC-QTOFMS and investigation of their potential ecological threat”, CEST 2019 03-07/09/2019, Rhodes, Greece. (Oral presentation)
- I. Nikolopoulou, M.C. Nika, R. Aalizadeh, N.S. Thomaidis “Screening thousands of emerging contaminants in Asopos river basin by UPLC-QToF-MS”, CEST 2019 03-07/09/2019, Rhodes, Greece. (Oral presentation)
- I. Nikolopoulou, M.C. Nika, R. Aalizadeh, N.S. Thomaidis “Development of methods for the advanced monitoring of emerging contaminants in environmental samples from the Asopos river basin by UPLC-QToF-MS“ ICCE 2019, 16-20/06/2019, Thessaloniki, Greece. (Oral presentation)
- Gkotsis, N. Alygizakis, A. Cincinelli, R. Dekker, G. Duke, N. Glowacka, B. Knopf, J. Koschorreck, T. Martellini, P. Movalli, M.C. Nika, V. Nikolopoulou, H. Ruedel, R. Shore, N.S. Thomaidis, G. Treu, J. Slobodnik “Determination of more than 2,400 emerging contaminants in apex predators and their prey from European Specimen Banks and Natural History Museums by novel and complementary High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Techniques”, CEST 2019 03-07/09/2019, Rhodes, Greece. (Oral presentation)
- I. Panagopoulou, M.C. Nika, D.E. Damalas, G. Koulis, N.S. Thomaidis “Development of a novel GC-APCI-QTOFMS methodology for the determination of more than 300 organic compounds in Asopos river water samples”, CEST 2019 03-07/09/2019, Rhodes, Greece. (oral presentation)
- Alygizakis, A. Cincinelli, R. Dekker, G. Gkotsis, G. Duke, N. Glowacka, B. Knopf, J. Koschorreck, T. Martellini, P. Movalli, M.C. Nika, V. Nikolopoulou, H. Rüdel, R. Shore, N. Thomaidis, G. Treu, J. Slobodnik “Determination of emerging substances in top predators and their prey using state-of-the-art chemical monitoring methods“ ESB Conference 2019, 05/06/2019, Stockholm, Sweden. (Oral presentation)
Poster presentation
- Evaggelia Krystalli, Efstratios Komaitis, Maria Katsa, Vasilios Tzamtzis,” Determination of four EU marker Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in cocoa, milk-based Infant Formula and cereal-based Baby Foods”, Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days (AACD2018), 25-29 September 2018, Chania, Crete,Greece( Poster Presentation).
- Α. Panara, Μ. Kostakis, G. Gkotsis, R Aalizadeh, N.Thomaidis ” Characterization of Chemical Profile of Pelargonium Sidoides Rhizome Using LC-QTOF/MS”, AACD2018, 25/09-29/09/2018, Chania, Greece (poster presentation).
- Emma Schymanski, Reza Aalizadeh, Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, Juliane Hollender, Jaroslav Slobodnik and Antony Williams, “Curating” suspect lists” for international non-target screening efforts”. Abstracts of papers of the American Chemical Society. 2018. Amer. Chemical. Soc. 1155 16th st, NW, Washington, dc 20036 USA.
- C. Nika, D. Damalas, G. Koulis, N. Alygizakis, V. Nikolopoulou, A. Psoma, M. Kostakis, R. Aalizadeh, P. Oswald, J. Slobodnik, N.S. Thomaidis “Extended monitoring of legacy pollutants and emerging contaminants in the marine environment of Black Sea” AACD 2018, 25-29/09/2018, Chania, Crete, Greece. (Poster presentation)
- A. Bizani, C. Christophoridis, M.F. Touloupi, G.A. Konstantouraki, M.C. Nika, A. Hiskia, N.S. Thomaidis, “Identification and quantification of a polar pharmaceutical compound and its oxidative transformation products by chromatographic methods” AACD 2018, 25-29/09/2018, Chania, Crete, Greece. (Poster presentation)
- Christophoridis, E.A. Bizani, M.F. Touloupi, G.A. Konstantouraki, M.C. Nika, A. Hiskia, N.S. Thomaidis, “Oxidative degradation of metformin using laboratory and pilot scale reactors”, ISEAC-40, 19-22/06/2018, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. (Poster presentation)
- Dasenaki, A. Tzachristas, G. A. Koulis, C. Proestos, N. Thomaidis “Targeted and Untargeted Mass Spectrometry-Based Metabolomics Approach for the Characterization of Greek Organic Wines”, 11th Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days, AACD 2018, 25-29 September, 2018, Chania, Crete, Greece (poster presentation).
- E. Damalas, M. Agalou, D. Beis, M.H. Lamoree, P.E.G. Leonards, N.S. Thomaidis ” Combining acute toxicity, toxicokinetics and metabolomics approaches to assess the effects of triclosan in zebrafish embryos”, SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting 2018, 13- 17/05/2018, Rome, Italy (poster presentation).
- Marios Kostakis, Reza Aalizadeh, Marilena Dasenaki, Nikolaos Thomaidis, “Exploring data quality of multivariate HRMS data in food authenticity research”, Eurachem 2018, 14-18 May, Dublin, Ireland, (Best poster award).
- Ioannis Martakos, Dimitris Kanakis, Marios Kostakis, Natasa P. Kalogiouri, Michalis Pentogennis, Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, “Development and comparison of two HPLC-DAD methodologies for the analysis of extra virgin olive oil’s quality characteristics”, 11th Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days, AACD 2018, Chania, Crete, Greece, 25-29 Sept 2018
- A. Katsianou, G. A. Koulis, E. Panagopoulou, F. Stergiou, A. Fiore, S. Karabournioti, C. Proestos, N. S. Thomaidis, “Honey Authenticity: evaluation of phenolic compounds as potential authenticity markers using target LC-HRMS screening”, 11th Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days, AACD 2018, 25-29 September, 2018, Chania, Crete, Greece (poster presentation).
- Μ. Kostakis Α. Panara, , G. Gkotsis, R Aalizadeh, N.Thomaidis ” Metabolomic fingerprint of Sideritis Scardica by a novel LC-QTOF/MS workflow “, AACD2018, 25/09-29/09/2018, Chania, Greece (poster presentation).
- Pasvanka, A. Tzachristas, M. Kostakis, N. Thomaidis, Ch. Proestos, “Geographical Origin Identification of Greek Wines by ICP-MS Elemental Analysis”, 11th Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days, Chania, 2018 (poster presentation).
- Polykarpos Beikos, Reza Aalizadeh and Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, “Minimizing Analytical Procedural Mass Spectral Features as False Positive Peaks in Untargeted Liquid Chromatography – High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Data Processing”. 11th Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days (AACD2018), Chania, Crete, Greece, 25-29 Sept 2018.
- Nika, D. Damalas, G. Koulis, N. Alygizakis, V. Nikolopoulou, S. Drakopoulou, A. Psoma, M. Kostakis, R. Aalizadeh, P. Oswald, J. Slobodnik, N. Thomaidis, “Extended Monitoring of Legacy Pollutants and Emerging Contaminants in the Marine Environment of Black Sea”, 11th Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days, Chania, 2018 (poster presentation, awarded).
- Kanakis, I. Martakos, M. Kostakis, N. Kalogiouri, M. Pentogennis, N. Thomaidis, “Development of Method for Determination of 1.2 Diacylglycerols in Extra Virgin Olive Oil with GCMS/MS”, 11th Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days, Chania, 2018 (poster presentation).
- Kritikou, N. Kalogiouri, M. Pentogennis, N. Thomaidis “Phenolic profiling of extra virgin olive oils with target and suspect LC-QTOF-MS/MS”, AACD 2018 25-29/09/2018, Chania, Greece. (poster presentation)
Oral Presentation
- I. Nikolopoulou, A. Ajibola, N.S. Thomaidis “Determination of Emerging Pollutants in Sewage Sludge Samples from three Nigerian WWTPs with LC-QTOF-MS”, 11th Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days (AACD 2018), 25-29/09/2018, Chania, Crete, Greece (Oral presentation)
- Anastasia S. Kritikou, Marilena E. Dasenaki, Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, “Development Of A Multi-Residue Methodology For The Determination Of Thyreostats In Bovine Muscle Tissue By Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (HILIC-MS/MS)”, 11th Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days , AACD 2018, Chania, Crete, Greece, 25-29 Sept 2018.
- A. Koulis, P.A. Katsianou, E. Panagopoulou, R. Aalizadeh, C. Proestos, N. S. Thomaidis, “Botanical and Geographical origin discrimination of Greek honeys by untargeted metabolomics using LC-ESI-QTOF-MS”, 11th Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days, AACD 2018, 25-29 September, 2018, Chania, Crete, Greece (oral presentation).
- Alygizakis, J. Urík, V. Beretsou, P. Oswald, B. Vrana, N.S. Thomaidis, D. Fatta-Kassinos, J. Slobodnik “Application of passive sampling to evaluate the chemical pollution of treated wastewater intended for reuse”, XENOWAC II 10-12/10/2018, Limassol, Cyprus. (oral presentation)
- Alygizakis, H. Basselink, G. Paulus, P. Oswald, M. Oswaldova, N.S. Thomaidis, L. Hornstra, P. Behnisch, J. Slobodnik: “Characterisation of wastewater effluents in the Danube river basin with target and non-target chemical screening techniques, in vitro bioassays and antibiotic resistant genes analysis”, XENOWAC II 10-12/10/2018, Limassol, Cyprus. (oral presentation)
- Tadic, N. Alygizakis, M. Gramblicka, R. Mistrik, B. Pina, J. Bayona: “Identification and structural elucidation of antibiotic’s metabolites in lettuce”, XENOWAC II 10-12/10/2018, Limassol, Cyprus. (oral presentation)
- Alygizakis, P. Oswald, P. von der Ohe, N.S. Thomaidis, J. Slobodnik: “A novel methodology for chemical characterization of European wastewater effluents by LC-HRMS”, AACD2018 25-29/09/2018, Chania (Crete), Greece. (oral presentation)
- Behnisch, H. Besselink, N. Alygizakis, J. Slobodnik, A. Brouwer “Effect-based screening of contaminants in effluents from wastewater treatment plants in the Danube river basin”, DioXin 2018 26-31/08/2018, Krakow, Poland. (oral presentation)
- Schymanski, R. Aalizadeh, N. Alygizakis, J. Hollender, M. Krauss, T. Schulze, J. Slobodnik, N.S. Thomaidis, A.J. Williams: “Non-target screening for holistic chemical monitoring and compound discovery: Open science, real-time and retrospective approaches”, SETAC Europe 28th Annual meeting 13-17/05/2018, Rome, Italy. (oral presentation)
- Marilena Dasenaki and Nikolaos Thomaidis, Target, Suspect and Non-Target HRMS Screening Approaches for Food Authenticity and Quality: from Research to Industrial Applications, Athens Conference on Advances in Chemistry (ACAC 2018), Athens, Greece, October 30 – November 2, 2018
Poster presentation
- Marios Kostakis, Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, “Qualitative uncertainty (reliability) of chemical identification with High Resolution Mass Spectrometry”, Eurachem Workshop: Uncertainty in Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis, Cyprus, 2017 (poster presentation).
- Marilena E. Dasenaki, Sofia K. Drakopoulou and Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, “Targeted and Untargeted Metabolomics as an Enhanced Tool for the Detection of Juice-to-Juice Adulteration”, 8th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis, RAFA, November 7-10, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic, p.198
- S. Tsagkaris, G.A. Koulis, C. Proestos and N.S. Thomaidis, “Development and validation of a UPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS method for the determination of flavonoids and phenolic acids in honey”, 3rd International Conference on Metrology Promoting Standardization and Harmonization in Food and Nutrition, IMEKOFOODS 2017, 01-04 October, 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece (poster presentation).
- Alygizakis, M. Gramblicka, R. Mistrik, N.S. Thomaidis and J. Slobodnik “Novel workflow for identification and determination of antibiotics and their transformation products in wastewater by liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution-mass spectrometry”, CEST 2017 31/08-02/09/2017, Rhodes Island, Greece. (poster presentation)
- Maria Katsa, Charalampos Proestos, Efstratios Komaitis, Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, “Rapid and simple determination of fat-soluble vitamins in various types of infant formulas by HPLC-DAD”, 8th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis, 7-10 November 2017, Prague, Czech Republic,(Poster Presentation).
- Mila, M.C. Nika and N. S. Thomaidis, “Removal of niflumic acid during ozonation and identification of its transformation products by LC-QToF-MS”, CEST 2017, 30/09-02/10/2017, Rodos Palace, Rhodes, Greece. (Poster presentation)
Oral Presentation
- Natasa P. Kalogiouri, Reza Aalizadeh, Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, “Application of wide scope target, suspect and non-target High Resolution Mass Spectrometric Methods coupled with Advanced Chemometrics in Food Authentisity Studies”, 3rd IMECOFOODS Conference, 1-4/10/2017, Thessaloniki, Greece. (Oral Presentation)
- C. Nika, G. Koulis, D. Damalas, K. Diamanti, A. Bletsou, A. Psoma, S. Attiti, R. Aalizadeh, N. Alygizakis, M. Dasenaki, K. Kasiotis, P. Oswald, J. Slobodnik and N. S. Thomaidis, “Determination of legacy pollutants and emerging contaminants in the marine environment of Black Sea”, CEST 2017, 30/09-02/10/2017, Rodos Palace, Rhodes, Greece. (Oral presentation)
- C. Nika, R. Aalizadeh and N. S. Thomaidis, “Removal and transformation of citalopram and four of its biotransformation products during ozonation experiments”, CEST 2017, 30/09-02/10/2017, Rodos Palace, Rhodes, Greece. (Oral presentation)
- E. Damalas, M. Agalou, D. Beis, M.H. Lamoree, P.E.G. Leonards, N.S. Thomaidis ““From toxicity assay to metabolomics analysis” – An integrated approach to assess the toxicity of three Benzotriazoles in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos “, CEST 2017, 30/09- 02/10/2017, Rodos Palace, Rhodes, Greece (oral presentation).
- Reza Aalizadeh, Emma L. Schymanski, Juliane Hollender, Martin Krauss, Maria Ibánez Martínez, Nikolaos S. Thomaidis “Development and Prediction of Liquid Chromatographic Retention Time Indices (RTI) to facilitate non-target identification”, ICCE 2017, June 2017, Oslo, Norway. .(oral)
- Emma L. Schymanski, Andrew McEachran, Reza Aalizadeh, Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, Jaroslav Slobodnik, Jon R. Sobus, Juliane Hollender, Antony J. Williams “International Suspect Screening: NORMAN Suspect Exchange meets the US EPA CompTox Chemistry Dashboard”, ICCE 2017, June 2017, Oslo, Norway. (oral)
- Reza Aalizadeh, Emma L. Schymanski and Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, ” AutoSuspect: an R package to Perform Automatic Suspect Screening based on Regulatory Databases”, CEST 2017, September 2017, Rodos Palace, Rhodes, Greece.
- A. Koulis, A.S. Tsagkaris, R. Aalizadeh, S. Drivelos, C. Proestos and N.S. Thomaidis, “Honey authenticity: Evaluation of phenolic compounds as potential authenticity markers using target and non-target screening approaches”, 10th International Conference on Instrumental Methods of Analysis-Modern Trends and Applications, IMA 2017, 17-21 September, 2017, Heraklion, Crete, Greece (oral presentation).
- E. Damalas, M. Agalou, D. Beis, M.H. Lamoree, P.E.G. Leonards, N.S. Thomaidis ““From toxicity assay to metabolomics analysis” – An integrated approach to assess the toxicity of three Benzotriazoles in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos “, NORMAN workshop – Integrated Exposure and Effects Assessment, 11-12/04/2017, Amsterdam, Netherlands (oral presentation).
Poster presentation
- Alygizakis, R. Aalizadeh, P. Gago-Ferrero, A. Bletsou, N.S. Thomaidis “Prioritizing and identifying polar emerging contaminants in wastewater by HILIC-HRMS”, NonTarget 2016, 29/05-3/06/2016, Ascona, Switzerland. (poster presentation)
- Maria Katsa, Charalampos Proestos, Efstratios Komaitis, “Determination of Fat Soluble Vitamins A and E in Infant Formulas by HPLC-DAD” ,International Conference on Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods, 7-9 July 2016,Κalamata (Poster Presentation).
- Marios Kostakis, Michael A. Koupparis, Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, “ANOVA: A TOOL FOR BETTER EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN AND EVALUATION OF METHOD VALIDATION”, Eurachem Workshop: Method Validation – Current Practices and Future Challenges, Ghent, 2016 (poster presentation, awarded).
- Reza Aalizadeh and Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, “RetTrAMS: SMILES based retention time prediction in RPLC/HILIC-(+/-)ESI-LC-HRMS screening”, Non-target 2016, May 2016, Ascona, Switzerland (Travel costs awarded) (poster)
- Konstantina Diamanti, Anna A. Bletsou, Dimitrios E. Damalas, Nikolaos S. Thomaidis “Target screening of emerging contaminants in influent wastewater samples of Athens by LC-QTOF-MS”, 22nd Hellenic Chemistry Conference, 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece (poster presentation)
- Kalogiouri, N. Alygizakis, R. Aalizadeh, N.S. Thomaidis “Development of target, suspect and non-target High Resolution Mass Spectrometry screening strategies coupled with advanced chemometric tools for the evaluation of extra virgin olive oil’s sensory profile”, 10th Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days (AACD 2016) 29/09-02/10/2016, Çanakkale, Turkey. (oral presentation)
- Reza Aalizadeh, Natasa P. Kalogiouri, Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, “Application of Simulated Annealing Suport Vector Machine as a Novel Chemometrics Tool to Support Non-Target Screening in liquid Chromatography High Resolution Mass Spectrometry”, 10th Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days (AACD 2016), 29/9-2/10/2016, Çanakkale, Turkey. (Poster Presentation)
Oral Presentation
- Gago-Ferrero, N. Alygizakis, N.S. Thomaidis “Prioritization and identification of substances formed during wastewater treatment and released into the aquatic environment”, NonTarget2016 29/05-3/06/2016, Ascona, Switzerland. (oral presentation)
- Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, Anna A. Bletsou, Dimitrios E. Damalas “Pesticides, their metabolites and transformation products in urban wastewater: a change of perspective using extensive target and suspect LC-HRMS screening”, 11th European Pesticide Residue Workshop, 2016, Limassol, Cyprus (oral presentation)
- Marios Kostakis, Michael A. Koupparis, Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, “Linearity: Review and new approaches”, 6th National Congress in Metrology, Athens, 2016, in Greek (oral presentation)
Poster presentation
- Natasa P. Kalogiouri, Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, “Virgin Olive Oil. Examining authenticity with HR-MS workflows”, 9th International Conference on Instrumental Methods of Analysis. Modern Trends and Applications. 20-24/9/2015, Kalamata, Greece. (Oral Presentation)
- A. Koulis, Marilena M.E. Dasenaki and N.S. Thomaidis, “Determination of hydrolyzed proteins molecular weight in fish feeds using size exclusion chromatography and UV detection”, 9th International Conference on Instrumental Methods of Analysis-Modern Trends and Applications, IMA, 20-24 September, 2015, Kalamata, Greece (poster presentation).
- Kostakis, I. Pasias, R. Aalizadeh, N. Alygizakis, N.S. Thomaidis “Targeted and untargeted LC-MS metabolic profiling for proving the “freshly-frozen” claim in fish”, 7th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis 03-06/11/2015, Prague, Czech Republic. (poster presentation)
- Tsilikidis, M.C. Nika C. Christophoridis, N. S. Thomaidis, Identification of ozonation transformation products of furosemide using LC-HR-MS/MS, 14th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST 2015), 03-05/09/2015, Rodos Palace, Rhodes, Greece. (Poster presentation)
- Alygizakis, R. Aalizadeh, P. Gago-Ferrero, A. Bletsou, N.S. Thomaidis “peakTrams: An automated computational approach for the simultaneous detection of features in Reverse Phase and HILIC HRMS screening”, CEST 2015 03-05/09/2015, Rhodes Island, Greece. (poster presentation)
- Alygizakis, P. Gago-Ferrero, N.S. Thomaidis “Trend analysis of influent wastewater using R-based scripts and non-target HRMS approaches”, Mediterranean Sea Region Countries Mass Spectrometry Workshop (MEDMSIII) 28/06-02/07/2015, Athens, Greece. (poster presentation)
- Kostakis, I. Pasias, R. Aalizadeh, N. Alygizakis, C. Efstathiou and N. Thomaidis, Targeted and untargeted LC-MS metabolic profiling for proving the “freshly-frozen” claim in fish, 7th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis, Prague, 2015 (poster presentation).
- Soultani, E. Stathopoulou, Μ. Kostakis, N. Thomaidis, M. Scoullos, C. Jacobsen, J. J. Sloth, “Determination of fatty acids and trace elements in muscles and cephalothoraxes of a Mediterranean red shrimp”, 9th International Conference on Instrumental Methods of Analysis: Modern Trends and Applications, Kalamata, 2015 (poster presentation).
Oral Presentation
- Dimitrios Damalas, Anna Bletsou, Adamantia Agalou, Dimitris Beis, Nikolaos Thomaidis “A toxicokinetic approach to assess the effects on metabolism of triclosan and benzotriazoles in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos”, CEST 2015, 03-05/09/2015, Rodos Palace, Rhodes, Greece (oral presentation)
- Alygizakis, P. Gago-Ferrero, M. Loos, H. Singer, J. Hollender, N.S. Thomaidis “Automatic detection of concentration trends of organic pollutants in wastewater using computational approaches and chemometric tools on data acquired by LC-HRMS”, CEST 2015 03-05/09/2015, Rhodes Island, Greece. (oral presentation)
- Anna Bletsou, Dimitrios Damalas, Pablo Gago Ferrero, Emma Schymanski, Heinz Singer, Juliane Hollender, Nikolaos Thomaidis “Wide-scope target screening of 2327 emerging pollutants during wastewater treatment by RP-LC-QTOF-HR-MS/MS with an accurate- mass database”, CEST 2015, 03-05/09/2015, Rodos Palace, Rhodes, Greece. (oral presentation)
- Dimitrios E. Damalas, Anna A. Bletsou, Adamantia Agalou, Dimitris Beis and Nikolaos S. Thomaidis “Study of the metabolism of zebrafish (danio rerio) embryo exposed to triclosan and benzotriazoles by HILIC-TOF-MS”, 1 st NORMAN workshop on analysis of problematic compounds, 01-02/09/2015, Rodos Palace, Rhodes, Greece (oral presentation)
Poster presentation
- Tsilikidis, C. Christophoridis, M.C. Nika, N. S. Thomaidis, Ozonation of furosemide under various physicochemical conditions. Elucidation of transformation pathway using LC-QTOF-MS., 9th Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days (AACD2014) 29/09-03/10/2014, Homerion Cultural Centre, Chios Greece. (Poster presentation)
- C. Nika, A. A. Bletsou, E. Gikas and N. S. Thomaidis, Degradation and by-products identification of benzothiazoles and benzotriazoles during chlorination by LC-HR-MS/MS, 5th EUCHEMS Chemistry Congress, 31/08-4/09/2014, WOW Convention Center, Istanbul, Turkey. (Poster presentation)
- Marilena E. Dasenaki, Anna A. Bletsou, Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, Tony Drury “Quantitative multi-residue method for 150 veterinary drugs and pharmaceuticals in meat using liquid chromatography quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-QToF-MS)”, 248th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, 2014, San Francisco
- K.Panara, I.N.Pasias, N.S. Thomaidis, “Development and validation of an HILIC-UV method for the simultaneous determination of nucleotides in infant formula”, AACD2014, 29/09-03/10/2014, Chios, Greece (poster presentation).
- Anna A. Bletsou, Marilena E. Dasenaki, Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, Emmanouil I. Dasenakis, Tony Drury, Petra Decker “Screening of pesticides residues and their metabolites in envi-ronmental samples using liquid chromatography quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrome-try with an accurate-mass database”, 13th IUPAC International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry, 2014, San Francisco
- Michopoulos, M. Kostakis, T. Grigoratos, N. S. Thomaidis, C. Samara, I. N. Pasias, “Comparison of total analysis of trace elements in soils through X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRF) and digestion with hydrofluoric acid and determination with ICP-MS”, 9th Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days, Chios, 2014 (poster presentation).
Oral Presentation
- Borova, N. Alygizakis, A. Pavlidou, I. Hatzianestis, M. Ioannou, N.S. Thomaidis “Development of a LC-QTOFMS Method for the spatial determination of pharmaceuticals, controlled psychoactive and illicit drugs and their metabolites in Saronic Gulf”, 9th International Conference Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days (AACD2014) 29-3/10/2014, Chios Island, Greece. (oral presentation)
- G. Kostakis, C. E. Efstathiou, M, A. Koupparis and N. S. Thomaidis, ” Alternative ways for calculation of systematic error “, 4th National Congress in Metrology, Athens, 2014, in Greek (oral presentation).
Poster presentation
- C. Nika, A. Bletsou, E. Gikas and N. Thomaidis, Investigating the degradation and by-product formation of benzothiazoles and benzotriazoles during chlorination, 8th International Conference IMA 2013-Instrumental Methods of Analysis-Modern Trends and Applications, 15-19/09/2013, Porto Palace Hotel, Thessaloniki, Greece. (Poster presentation)
- Christina S. Michali, Marilena E. Dasenaki, Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, “Ionization study and chromatographic separation of aminoglycosides with HILIC-MS/MS”, 8th International Conference on Instrumental Methods of Analysis Modern Trends and Applications, Thessaloniki, 2013
- G. Kostakis, M. E. Dasenaki, C. E. Efstathiou and N. S. Thomaidis, “Determination of biogenic and volatile amines in fish by Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography – Tandem Mass Spectrometry”, 8th International Conference on Instrumental Methods of Analysis Modern Trends and Applications, Thessaloniki, 2013.
- L. Borova, M.E. Dasenaki, N.C. Maragkou, A.S. Stasinakis N.S. Thomaidis “Trends in discharge of 160 pharmaceuticals, controlled psychoactive and illicit drugs and their me-tabolites into the sewage treatment plant of Athens, Greece” IWA 2013, Micropol & Eco hazard 2013, the 8th IWA Specialist Conference on Assessment and Control of Micropollutants /Hazardous Substances in Water method, 2013, Zurich, Switzerland
- Marilena E. Dasenaki, Christina S. Michali, Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, “Determination of polar veterinary drugs and pharmaceuticals in food samples of animal origin by Hydrophilic Inter-action Liquid Chromatography – Tandem Mass Spectrometry (HILIC-MS/MS)”, 6th Int. Symp. On Recent Advances in Food Analysis, 2013, Prague
- Maria Mastrogiannopoulou, Anna Bletsou, Marilena Dasenaki, Nikolaos Thomaidis, “Simul-taneous Determination of water-soluble vitamins in baby food by LC-ESI-MS/MS”, 6th Int. Symp. On Recent Advances in Food Analysis, 2013, Prague.
- L.Borova, E.M. Chrisochou, M.E. Dasenaki, N.Alygizakis, G.Tsaganou, N.S.Thomaidis “Determination of pharmaceuticals, controlled psychoactive and illicit drugs and their metabolites in sewage sludge of the WWTP of Athens” CEST 2013, 13th International Conference on environmental science and technology, 5-7 September, 2013, Athens, Greece, p.435
- G. Kostakis, C. E. Efstathiou and N. S. Thomaidis, “Method development for the determination of biogenic and volatile amines in fish by Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography – Tandem Mass Spectrometry “, 6th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis, Prague, 2013 (poster presentation).
- Borova, M. Chrisochou, M. Dasenaki, N. Alygizakis, G. Tsaganou, N.S. Thomaidis “Determination of pharmaceuticals, controlled psychoactive and illicit drugs and their metabolites in sewage sludge of the WWTP of Athens”, CEST 2013 05-07/09/2013, Athens, Greece. (poster presentation)
Oral Presentation
- Noutsopoulos, D. Mamais, N. S. Thomaidis, E. Koumaki, M.C. Nika, A. Bletsou and A. Stasinakis, “Removal of emerging pollutants through wastewater disinfection”, 13th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST), 05-07/09/2013, Caravel Hotel, Athens. (Oral presentation)
- Borova, M. Dasenaki, N. Maragou, N. Alygizakis, S. Stasinakis, N.S. Thomaidis, D. Lekkas “Trends in use of pharmaceuticals, controlled psychoactive and illicit drugs as revealed from the influents’ analysis of WWTP of Athens, Greece”, CEST 2013 05-07/09/2013, Athens, Greece. (oral presentation)
- Bletsou, Dimitrios Damalas, Alexandros Stouraitis, Mina Papanastasiou and Nikolaos S. Thomaidis “Screening of emerging pollutants in wastewater samples using low and high resolution mass spectrometry”, 8th Instrumental Methods of Analysis – Modern Trends and Applications (IMA 2013), 15/09-19/09/2013, Thessaloniki, Greece (oral presentation)
Poster presentation
- Economou, M. C. Nika, A. Papanastasiou, S. Antoniou, D. Tsipi, E. Botitsi “Determination of Selected Pesticides in Cereal–based Infant and Baby Foods with QuEChERS Sample Clean–up and Liquid Chromatography – Tandem Mass Spectrometry Detection”, AACD 2012, 16-20/09/2012, İzmir, Turkey. (Poster presentation)
- Borova, M. Dasenaki, N. Thomaidis “Determination of 171 Pharmaceuticals, Controlled Psycoactive and Illicit Drugs and their Metabolites in wastewater and sludge by liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry” 8th Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days (AACD 2012), 2012, Izmir. TR, p.66 (P1-24) (Best Poster Presentation Award).
- S. Arvaniti, M.E. Dasenaki, E. I. Ventouri, A. S. Stasinakis and N. S. Thomaidis “Development and validation of analytical methods for the determination of perfluorinated compounds in wastewater and sewage sludge samples using liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry, 8th Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days (AACD 2012), September 16-20, 2012, Izmir, p.64 (P1-22)
Oral Presentation
- Marios Kostakis, Michael A. Koupparis, Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, “Comparison of GUM-EURACHEM uncertainty approach with MONTE-CARLO approach in determination of hexavalent chromium in water”, 5th National Congress in Metrology, Athens, 2012, in Greek (oral presentation)
- Marios Kostakis, Michael A. Koupparis, Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, “Comparison of GUM-EURACHEM uncertainty approach with MONTE-CARLO approach in determination of hexavalent chromium in water”, 5th National Congress in Metrology, Athens, 2012, in Greek (oral presentation)
- John A. Stratis, Christina N. Makarona, Eleftherios N. Charalampous “Glass, a material indicator of Human adventure. A Holistic view.” 19th International Congress of the Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre, 18-22/9/2012, Piran, Slovenia. (Oral presentation)
Poster presentation
- E. Dasenaki and Ν.S. Τhomaidis “Multi residue determination of veterinary drugs and pharmaceutical residues in dairy products and egg using liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry”, 5th Int. Symp. On Recent Advances in Food Analysis, 2011, Prague (Agilent Best poster award)
- Anna Bletsou, Ahmad Hanafi, Marilena Dasenaki, Nikolaos Thomaidis, “ Development of specific LC-ESI-MS/MS methods for the determination of Spinosad, Thiacloprid and Pyridalyl and study of the degradation rates and the pre harvest intervals in spring onions”, 5th Int. Symp. On Recent Advances in Food Analysis, 2011, Prague.
- Olga S. Arvaniti, Elpida I. Ventouri, Marilena E. Dasenaki, Athanasios S. Stasinakis and Nikolaos S. Thomaidis “Determination of perfluorinated compounds by LC-MS/MS and evaluation of their fate in two Greek wastewater treatment plants” 12th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, September 8-10, 2011, Rhodes, Greece, p.16
Poster presentation
- Akinranti Ajibola, Andreas Androulakakis, Georgios Spyropoulos, Anna Bletsou, Marilena Dasenaki, Nikolaos Thomaidis “Determination of benzotriazoles and benzothiazoles in environmental water samples by HPLC-UV and LC-MS/MS” Proceedings of the 7th Analytical Chemistry Days, Lesvos, Greece, 29Sept.-3 Oct., 2010, p. 222
- G. Kostakis, V.L.Borova, A.K.Panara, I.N.Pasias, N.S. Thomaidis, ” Comparison of two different speciation methods for the determination of hexavalent chromium water samples by ETAAS “, AACD2010, 29/09-03/10/2010, Lesvos, Greece, p 176 (P2-34) (poster presentation).
- Kostakis M. G., Borova VL., Panara A.K., Pasias I.N.,Thomaidis N. S., ” Comparison of two different speciation methods for the determination of hexavalent chromium in water samples by ETAAS “, 7th Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days, Lesvos, 2010 (poster presentation).
Oral Presentation
- Kostakis M. G., Borova VL., Panara A.K., Pasias I.N.,Thomaidis N. S., ” Development, validation and comparison of method for the determination of Hexavalent chromium in water with graphite furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (ETAAS)”, Workshop of postgraduate students in Chemistry of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, 2010 in Greek (oral presentation).
Poster presentation
- Anna Bletsou, Ahmad Hanafi, Marilena E. Dasenaki, Nikolaos S. Thomaidis “Development of specific LC-ESI-MS/MS methods to study the degradation rates and the Pre Harvest Intervals (PHI) of bifenthrin, lufenuron and iprodione in green beans and peas under the Egyptian field conditions” International Symposium on New Trends in Food Analyses – From LC MS Technologies to UPLC, AFSILAB – AOAC Int., 2009, Paris.
- E. Dasenaki and Ν.S. Τhomaidis “Multi-residue determination of seventeen sulfonamides and five tetracyclines in fish tissue using a multi-stage LC-ESI-MS/MS approach based on advanced mass spectrometric techniques” 4th Int. Symp. On Recent Advances in Food Analysis, 2009, Prague, (CAMO best poster award)
- Spyros A. Drivelos , Marilena E. Dasenaki, Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, “Determination of isoascorbic acid in fish tissue by Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography (HILIC) – Ultraviolet And Tandem Mass Spectrometric detection”, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Analysis Modern Trends and Applications, Athens 2009.
Poster presentation
- Marilena E. Dasenaki, Niki C. Maragou and Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, “Multi-residue determination of eighteen sulfonamides in fish tissues by liquid chromatography. Comparison of ultraviolet and tandem mass spectrometric detection”, Proceedings of the 6th Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days, 2008
Poster presentation
- Marilena E. Dasenaki, Maria V. Papatzani, Niki C. Maragou, Nikolaos S. Thomaidis, Dimitrios Skafidas, Development and validation according to the decision 2002/657/EC of an HPLC – UV method for the determination of 10 sulfonamides in fish tissue, Proceedings of the 5th Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days, 2006.