Pablo Gago-Ferrero ~ Post Doctoral Researcher

Pablo Gago-Ferrero
PhD in Analytical Chemistry
Download CV in pdf
Date of Birth | 29/10/1984 |
Place of Birth | Barcelona (Spain) |
Workplace Address | Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry,Department of Chemistry, University of Athens | |
2005 – 2008 | B.Sc. in Analytical Chemistry (2008), Autonomous University of Barcelona |
2008 – 2010 | M.Sc. in Advanced Chemistry, specialized in analytical chemistry (2010), University of Barcelona, Spain |
2010 – 2013 | Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry (2013), University of Barcelona, Spain |
Research topic
- Development, optimization and application of a non-target screening workflow using LC-QTOFMS and LC-Orbitrap FTMS and operation of open source data mining and post-acquisition data treatment software for the identification of TPs of emerging pollutants.
Research Interests
- Environmental and food analysis
- Emerging pollutants
- Suspect and Non-target screening
- Water quality and water treatment
- Metabolomics