Georgios Gkotsis ~ PhD Candidate

Gkotsis Georgios
PhD Candidate at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Phone: +30 210 7274430

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Research Interests

General research interests:

  • Method Development
  • Reversed Phase Liquid Chromatography (RP-LC)
  • Gas Chromatography (GC)
  • High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (HRMS)
  • Trapped Ion Mobility Spectrometry (TIMS)
  • Application of HRMS-based untargeted workflows for the identification of new compounds
  • Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)
  • Risk assessment
  • Sample preparation techniques (Accelerated Solvent Extraction, Solid Phase Extraction)
  • Environmental Chemistry (monitoring of priority and emerging pollutants in environmental samples)
  • Biomonitoring of hazardous substances using environmental biospecimens
  • Bioaccumulation of priority and emerging pollutants through the food chain


  • 2023-present: TerraChem project “From soils to apex species: chemical pathways, effects and impacts on terrestrial biodiversity and ecosystem services and applications for better chemicals management” (European Union).
  • 2023-present: UPWATER project “Understanding groundwater Pollution to protect and enhance WATERquality” (European Union).
  • 2023-present: AccelWater project “Accelerating Water Circularity in Food and Beverage Industrial Areas around Europe” (European Union).
  • 2023-present: NEXUS-MONARC project “Capacity building nexus for monitoring water quality in multi-stressor areas: Pilot study at the Hellenic volcano ARC” (European Union).
  • 2023-present: Monitoring of organic micropollutants in Dnipro river basin, collaboration with Environmental Institute s.r.o.
  • 2023- present: Comprehensive monitoring of organic micropollutants in Hellenic marine ecosystem, collaboration with Hellenic Center for Marine Research (HCRM).
    • Comprehensive monitoring of organic micropollutants following “Daniel” and “Elias” storm events at Pagasitikos Gulf, Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Greece.
  • 2023: T4H-GR and T4H-CY projects “On-Site Hospital Wastewater Management Aimed at Improving the Efficiency of Wastewater Treatment Plants and the Utilization of effluents” (European Union).
  • 2021-2022: HELCOM Pre-EMPT project “A pre-emptive study of the inputs of hazardous substances to the Baltic Sea” (funding: NEFCO (Nordic Environment Finance Corporation) under the Baltic Sea Action Plan Fund,, collaboration with Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Helsinki Commission – HELCOM).
  • 2020-today: CONnECT project “Wide-scope target and suspect screening of emerging contaminants and their transformation products in marine biota samples from the North-East Atlantic”, collaboration with OSPAR Commission.
  • 2020-2022: UBA-HELCOM project “Screening study on hazardous substances in marine mammals of the Baltic Sea”, collaboration with German Environment Agency – Umweltbundesamt (UBA) and Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Helsinki Commission – HELCOM).
  • 2020-2021: DSWAP project “Decision support-based approach for sustainable water reuse application in agricultural production” (European Union)
  • 2020-2022: DIANYA project “Integrated on-site management of hospital wastewater” (European Regional Development Fund of the EU and Greek national funds).
  • 2020-2021: “NORMAN Collaborative Trial Suspect and Non-target screening in biota” (NORMAN network activities).
  • 2019-2021: “Investigation of the occurrence of Priority pollutants and Chemicals of emerging concern in polar regions” (NORMAN network activities)
  • 2018-2022: LIFE17 ENV/SK/000355 (LIFE APEX) “Systematic use of contaminant data from apex predators and their prey in chemicals management” (European Union).
  • 2018-today: Participation in Joint Activities in collaboration with European institutes, such as: Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW), Environmental Institute s.r.o., Marine Institute (Foras na Mara), Landesanstalt für Umwelt, Messungen und Naturschutz Baden-Württemberg (LUBW), Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Cardiff University – Otter Project Catalan Institute for Water Research Foundation (ICRA),The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
    Ruppin Academic Center.