Dimitrios E. Damalas ~ Ph.D. Candidate

Dimitrios E. Damalas
Post Doctoral Researcher at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Phone: +30 210 7274775
e-mail: dimdamalas@chem.uoa.gr

Download CV in pdf

Research Interests

General research interests:

  • Metabolomics
  • Environmental Analytical Chemistry
  • High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry
  • Method development (LC-MS/MS, GC-MS/MS, LC-ESI-QTOF, GC-APCI-QTOF, MALDI-TOF, timsTOF pro,)
  • Biotransformation of xenobiotics in zebrafish embryos and larvae
  • Determination of emerging contaminants in environmental samples
  • Suspect and Non-target Screening


  • 2022 – 2025: MALDI4Health, “Novel polymer- based MALDI matrices and next generation analytical platforms for the investigation of biologically relevant low molecular weight compounds”, 2nd Call for H.F.R.I.’s Research Projects to Support Faculty Members & Researchers.
  • 08/2019 – 09/2020: EMBLAS-PLUS, EU/UNDP Project: Improving Environmental Monitoring in the Black Sea – Selected measures.
  • 2018-2022: LIFE APEX: Systematic use of contaminant data from apex predators and their prey in chemicals management, LIFE17 ENV/SK/000355, https://lifeapex.eu/
  • 2018-2021: “A&M in PHION” – Analytics and Modelling within the UBA project Sauer ist nicht immer
    lustig – Effekte des pH auf die Toxizität und Bioakkumulation ionischer Stoffe (funding Eberhard Karls
    Universität Tübingen).
  • 2017-2019: 1st Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI) Announcement for
    doctoral candidates, “Toxicity assessment of xenobiotics in aquatic organisms through targeted and
    untargeted metabolomics analysis by high-resolution mass spectrometry techniques” (funding HFRI
    and the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT)).
  • 2016-2018: EMBLAS II, EU/UNDP Project: Improving environmental monitoring in the Black Sea.
    Analysis of water framework priority substances and screening of black Sea-specific pollutants in water
    biota and sediment samples obtained during the National Pilot Monitoring Studies and Joint Open Sea
    Surveys and risk assessment of identified pollutants.
  • 2014 –2015: WATERMICROPOL Project, THALIS, Ministry of Education: Investigation of organic
    micropollutants’ fate in wastewater treatment and study of their behavior during wastewater disposal
    to the aquatic environment.
  • 2014 –2015: TREMEPOL Project, ARISTEIA, Ministry of Education: Transformation Products of
    Emerging Pollutants in the aquatic environment.