Panagiotis-Loukas Gialouris ~ Ph.D. Candidate

Gialouris Panagiotis-Loukas
Ph.D. Candidate at NKUA
Phone: +30 210 7274430
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Research Interests
General research interests:
- Food Authenticity, Food Metabolomics, Food Volatomics, High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (HRMS), Gas Chromatography (GC), Liquid Chromatography (LC), Chemometrics
- Expert-knowledge in HRMS
- Extended experience in the development and application of metabolomics and volatomics methodologies following target, suspect and non-target screening workflows
- Food Authenticity, Food Characterization, Food Metabolomics, Food Volatomics, Detailed food characterization- Determination of potential authenticity markers in food products, Mass Spectrometry, Liquid Chromatography, Gas Chromatography
- Developing of innovative analytical methods following optimization and validation approaches