EXPO-IS-OMICS: The chemical exposome in pregnant women and metabolic dysregulations analysis towards the prioritization of hazardous chemicals
Expo-IS-omics is an interdisciplinary and highly innovative project in the field of human exposomics and bioinformatics. The main objective of EXPO-IS-OMICS is to obtain a holistic picture of both the external and internal chemical exposome in a large cohort of pregnant women (more specifically their foetus) to study which are the contaminants that can cause metabolic alterations. Once we know which contaminants are having more effects, we will develop new cheminformatics tools, capable to predict the chemicals with potential to dysregulate human metabolism based on in-silico predicted molecular predictors.
EXPO-IS-OMICS will analyse samples of cord blood of >400 pregnant women residents in Barcelona from the Bisc Cohort. This project will use state-of-the-art instrumentation to provide nontarget data at trace levels from a vast chemical domain, obtaining with the same data information of both contaminants’ presence (external chemical exposome) and specific alterations in the endogenous chemical profile (internal chemical exposome), by means of target, suspect, nontarget and metabolomics strategies.
EXPO-IS-OMICS will also be pioneer in developing cheminformatics tools to predict when a certain chemical may represent a problem to human health. For the development of the tool, experimental data from this project will be joined with others cohort’s results in which the applicant is currently involver and the principal investigators have agreed to share (e.g. Insulin (https://www.tecnatox.cat/list-of-projects)) for validation purposes. The expert knowledge of fellow and host group gives the security to reach the ambitious objectives.
- Obtain a holistic characterization of the external chemical exposome in cord blood samples
- Determine the effects of these chemicals in the metabolism of the foetus
- Trains and validate a chemoinformatic tool that aims to prioritize which chemicals may have a stronger effect in humans

NORMAN 2023 General Assembly
We assisted to the NORMAN GA (Frankfort di Meno, Germany) in order to be updated and find potential collaborations and fresh ideas to carry out our project, as well as to be updated about the latest tools for nontarget analysis.
SETAC Europe 2023:
We assisted to SETAC Europe (Seville, Spain) in May 2024 to present our semiquantitative tool for humans.
Myself, Ruben Gil-Solsona, chaired in a session
(3.30 | Unveiling the chemical exposome: insights from human biomonitoring and its influence on adverse health outcomes, holded on Monday 6th May at 14:25),
as well as presented a Talk
(3.03.A.T-04 – Exposomics meet Quantitative Non-Target Screening: A tool for Semiquantitative Analysis of Emerging Contaminants in Human biofluids and Tissues, Wednesday 8th May at 10:20).
Reza Aalizadeh 1,2; Varvara Nikolopoulou2; Nikiforos Alygizakis2; Nikolaos S. Thomaidis2; Pablo Gago-Ferrero2; Ruben Gil Solsona2,3;
1Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Yale School of Public Health, yale University, New Heaven, CT;
- 2. Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece;
3Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA-CSIC), Carrer Jordi Girona 18-26, Barcelona, 08034, Spain, Barcelona, Spain
In both cases, all the work done related with Expo-IS-Omics (the development of the semiquantitative tool) was shown there. Excellent feedback was obtained, and I also gained some contacts which gave me interesting feedback for my work, as well as opened some new collaborations (I was invited to join the BP4NTA group, Best Practices for NonTarget Analysis, from North America, which will also yield new opportunities to collaborate and provide best results from Expo-IS-Omics results).
ASMS Anaheim 2023:
My presence was as a presenter of a Talk (Exposomics, Toxicology, and Health Outcomes, Wednesday June 5 at 9:20).
All the work done, as well as the contacts with researchers from USA, is intimately related with Expo-IS-Omics. In the session, I personally met some researchers, (Jonathan Martin, nina Zhao, Peng Gao and Benedikt Warth), who were present in this session, and they are in the frontier of human exposomics worldwide. My presentation, about the tool we have developed for semiquantifying the exposomics results we will obtain in Expo-IS-Omics, was presented there.
Session: Exposomics, Toxicology, and Health Outcomes.
Semiquantitative tool for the Nontarget Analysis of Emerging Contaminants in Human Matrices.
Reza Aalizadeh 1,2; Varvara Nikolopoulou2; Nikiforos Alygizakis2; Nikolaos S. Thomaidis2; Pablo Gago-Ferrero2; Ruben Gil Solsona2,3;
1Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Yale School of Public Health, yale University, New Heaven, CT;
- 2. Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece;
3Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA-CSIC), Carrer Jordi Girona 18-26, Barcelona, 08034, Spain, Barcelona, Spain

Expo-IS-omics is funded under Grant Agreement 101104517