Anastasia Kritikou ~ Post Doctoral Researcher

Anastasia Kritikou
Post-Doctoral Researcher at NKUA
Phone: +30 210 7274430
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Research Interests
General research interests:
- Food Authenticity
- Foodomics (Metabolomics, Proteomics, Lipidomics)
- High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (HRMS) techniques
- MS-based method development
- Chromatographic separation techniques
- Chemometrics- Statistics
- Advanced analytical techniques (Sample Preparation techniques (QuEChERS, Ultrasonic-assisted extraction, SPExtraction, etc.)
- UHPLC coupled with HRMS (LC-ESI-TIMS-QTOFMS, LC-ESI-QTOFMS) and other direct HRMS techniques (MALDI-TOFMS)
- Expert-knowledge in HRMS based target, suspect, and non-target screening workflows for the characterization of food matrices.
- Wide experience in the development and application of targeted and untargeted omics-based methodologies
- 2018 –2022: FoodOmicsGR – Molecular Characterization of Food (funding: EPANEKNSFR)
- 2018-2021: GREEN POULTRY MEAT ANTIFREE: Develop a poultry meat system with reduced environmental footprint in complete absence of antibiotics (funding: EPANEKNSFR)
- 2018-2020: Emblematic action – The Olive Road (funding: Ministry of Education)
- 2017-2021: National program for Coccidiostats residues monitoring in food and feed of animal origin Program, Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in collaboration with the Ministry of Rural Development and Food
- 2016-2017: EMBLAS II, EU/UNDP Project: Improving environmental monitoring in the Black Sea. Analysis of water framework priority substances and screening of black sea specific pollutants in water biota and sediment samples obtained during the National Pilot Monitoring Studies and Joint Open Sea Surveys and risk assessment of identified pollutants