Androniki Vrettou ~ Master student

Vrettou Androniki
Master student at University of Athens
Phone: +306947031145

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B.Sc. in Chemistry (2014-2018), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Grade: 8.0/10
M.Sc. in Chemical Analysis & Quality Control (2018-currently), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Research topics

Undergraduate Thesis: “Determination of emerging pollutants in drinking water with liquid chromatography conjugated with high resolution mass spectrometry (LC-WTOF/MS) ”, Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, Chemistry department, University of Athens, Greece (2018)
Master Thesis: “Development of methods for determination of emerging pollutants in underground and drinking water of Asopos river area with high resolution mass spectrometry techniques (HRMS)”, Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, Chemistry department, University of Athens, Greece (2019-currently)

Research Interests

General research interests: Environmental pollutions, Emerging pollutants, High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (HRMS), Development of LC-MS/MS methods, Mass Spectrometric Detection

Contact information

Androniki Vrettou
Phone: 6947031145